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About UrbanQ8

UrbanQ8 is a one-stop shop for eye-catching visual content.

Our priority is to represent brands in their best light, providing a wide range of services suited to a number of platforms and channels. We custom create original content for Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Facebook, websites, blogs and personal channels, using top-of-the-line equipment and talented professionals. We provide next-generation storytelling tailored to the new ways we consume content.

We Have a Passion for People

We find everyone fascinating, and we love showcasing people and their passion. Our work is all about people – working with people, telling people’s interesting stories, catching people’s eyes and keeping their interest.

We Have a Great Eye

The UrbanQ8 team have years of training and experience, helping us to create beautiful images and videos. There’s nothing we love more than the perfect composition, shot at the right angle with the best lighting, while telling a great story.

We Are Easy to Work With

Our proposals are clear, offering quality deliverables at competitive rates. We show up on time, we communicate well and deliver your content when we say we will. We like transparency and efficiency, and enjoy working with likeminded people.

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About Urbanq8 Films

Urban Q8 is a one-stop shop for eye-catching visual content. Our priority is to represent brands in their best light, providing a wide range of services suited to a number of platforms and channels. We provide next-generation storytelling tailored to the new ways we consume content.

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